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We are selling Shanghainese mooncakes and wontons from 4th to 17th September. These are made to order. We are taking pre-order now.

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How the ordering works

  • Please email us your order at least 1 day in advance, as we need time to prep the ingredients. So more notice the better.

  • Pick-up is from 13 Montagu Place, W1H 2ET, at 1-6pm. If you need to come outside of these hours please speak to us. We are not open on Sunday.

  • Please send payment to Lillian Luk, 40-03-00, 54704134 referencing your name. Your order is only confirmed once the payment has been received.

  • You can organize a courier through Gophr if you want them delivered to you.

  • When you arrive for the pick-up, please ring the bottom doorbell and we will bring it out.